How to Sanitize Your Barbershop

How to Sanitize Your Barbershop

The law states that your barbershop, tools, and equipment must be clean and sanitary to ensure your customers’ health and safety. 

If you’re wondering how to sanitize your barbershop, you must first learn your state’s specific sanitation rules. Then, invest in approved, effective sterilizers, such as disinfectant sprays and solutions.

Be sure to disinfect all surfaces, tools, and tool parts between each customer to maintain proper hygiene.

Why Sanitize Your Barbershop?

As a barber, you have a responsibility to not only give your customers great service but to ensure their health and safety too. 

Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in your barbershop is always important, but particularly so during the current COVID-19 pandemic . You must keep up to date with the latest rules; they’re constantly changing as we learn more about the virus.

There are strict laws you must follow regarding cleanliness and hygiene in your salon. These laws can vary from state to state, so make sure you learn and adhere to the ones that apply to your state.

If you sanitize your barbershop to the highest standards, you will earn a great reputation and therefore attract more business. 

Your customers will feel comfortable and safe in your barbershop when they know you’re following good hygiene practices. They’re likely to become regular customers and recommend you to family and friends if they know you care about their health and safety.

Why Cleaning is Not Enough to Keep Customers Safe

In terms of good practice, you should already be washing your hands thoroughly with soap and water before tending to each customer. Before you tackle your tools and equipment, however, you need to learn the differences between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting.

Cleaning with water and a cleaning product removes dirt and debris from surfaces and tools. But cleaning does not kill bacteria, germs, viruses, or fungi.

Sanitizing and disinfecting involve the use of chemicals specially formulated to kill bacteria, germs, viruses, and fungi. Disinfectants are stronger than sanitizers.

You should always clean your tools before you sanitize and disinfect them so that the chemicals can work optimally. Disinfectants only work on items that are free of dirt, oil, and other debris.

How to Sanitize Your Barbershop, Tools, and Equipment

Every tool you use – from combs to clippers – must be cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected between each customer. There are some important things to do before you begin:

  • Put on PPE including disposable gloves and a mask, to protect your skin and airways against the caustic chemicals
  • Check that your disinfectants are EPA-registered and not out of date. They should be bactericidal, fungicidal, or both
  • Use the disinfecting method that best suits each tool. Some tools can be immersed in a solution, while some can only be sprayed

Before using any kind of sanitation product, scrub tools with soap, water, and a brush, then rinse with clean water. This will remove leftover hair, styling product, and other matter.

Using a Dipping Solution

Immerse the tool in your chosen solution (if suitable for immersion) and leave for 10 minutes. After immersion, rinse the tool with clean water, dry it with a clean towel, and store it away from any dirty equipment.

Some solutions can be used to disinfect clippers while they’re running, so you don’t then need to take the clippers apart. Always pour the solution into a separate cup for dipping, to avoid contaminating the entire jar.


  • Take care not to submerge any electrical components!
  • Do not remove tools before the 10 minutes is up or they won’t be properly disinfected
  • Do not leave tools in longer than 10 minutes as this could cause damage
  • Remove clean tools from the solution before adding dirty ones to avoid cross-contamination
  • Change your gloves between handling clean and dirty tools
  • Change your disinfectant solution at least daily - don’t wait until it has visible debris floating in it!

Using a Disinfectant Spray or Disinfectant Wipes

Disinfectant sprays and wipes are easy and convenient to use. Sprays should be applied to tools then left for 10 minutes before being wiped away. 

Wipes can be used to sanitize chairs and countertops, as well as brushes, clippers, and scissors. Wipes only need to be used for 2-4 minutes; you will still need to do a deep clean at the end of the day.

Which Barber Sanitation Products Should You Use?

Now you know how to sanitize your barbershop, which products should you use? L3VEL3™ Barber Sanitation Products deliver powerful disinfectant action. 

We sell sanitizing sprays for surfaces and tools, sanitizing wipes and gel for your hands, and a professional disinfecting jar for use with your chosen solution. 

Salon Sanitizing Ideas

In the COVID-19 era, it’s more important than ever to keep up to speed with government sanitation laws – and to keep on top of your sanitation practices. 

Remember to clean all areas of your barbershop, including the reception, workstations, laundry, and restroom. This handy checklist of salon sanitizing ideas will help you:

  • Sweep then mop the floor to remove loose hair and other debris
  • Empty all garbage cans and carefully dispose of the trash
  • Wipe down and sanitize all chairs, tables, countertops, and other surfaces
  • Vacuum any carpets, rugs, or doormats
  • Clean the windows and mirrors with glass cleaner
  • Deep-clean the restroom, sanitizing the toilet, sink, faucets, door handles, etc
  • Wash and dry all towels and fabrics with good-quality detergent

Top Tips:

  • Create a cleaning schedule. Many hands make light work, so delegate tasks to staff members. Make a rota to ensure everyone plays their part
  • Use disposable where possible. Neck strips, towels, gloves, and aprons are all available in disposable form – great for avoiding cross-contamination
  • Invest in high-quality products. If you’re wondering how to sanitize your barbershop the easiest, most effective way, trust L3VEL3™! Our sanitizing sprays, wipes, and gels will keep you and your customers safe from harmful bacteria
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